Let's live in peace, before resting in peace!
Humanely. Hopefully. Happily.

About Us
TaraSri Foundation exists to nurture human potential for happier lives, in harmony with nature & fellow beings.
Work Themes:
1) Education
2) Health
3) Environment
4) Enterprenuership
5) Emotional & Spiritual Intelligence
Values (TIME+H):
3)Appreciating Mindfully
5)Healthy Humor
1) Knowledge partners
2) Resource partners (Project specific)
3) Barabanki Administration
Registered as a non-profit Trust on 21st February 2023,
TaraSri Foundation (TSF) has launched a socio-spiritual intervention, in Barabanki. Aiming for integrated social-work, TSF projects are designed to promote holistic wellbeing, at societal & individual levels.
The work of TSF is anchored in systems thinking, the whole person concept and experiential spirituality. The strategic plan of TSF and logframes are in place and yet we work with detachment to outcomes.
Connection with MUSKAAN Trust:
TSF is sister organization of Muskaan & Vibha is the Founder Trustee of both, MUSKAAN & TaraSri Foundation. Work initiated by MUSKAAN Barabanki in May'22, is now being expanded by TaraSri Foundation.
Quick Update: Details are on PROJECTS page.
Three on-going projects: 1) Library cum Learning Centre 2) Girls' Fellowship 3) City of Gratitude-BBK.
Two pilot projects 1) Reduce & Repurpose - Cloth Bags 2) Reduce & Reuse - Saree Bank.
Two projects approved by District Administration Barabanki 1) Pond 2) Playground (TSF has mobilised CSR support of HAL, Lucknow)
One project (being explored) - Restoration of the Ashram.
Partners Organizations: Different projects have different type of partnership, e.g., knowledge partner, partial resource support and approval partner.